We have decided that we cannot remain at the 2013-14 rates for the 2021-2022 season do to the significant inflation in Chile which greatly affects our costs of fuel, food, equipment, labor and other supplies. We will have to see how this plays out for future seasons.
$950 USD/ day/ fisherperson -- double occupancy
$4,800 USD/day for entire PUMA (floating lodge - mothership) capacity 6 fisherpersons
Please contact us for last minute cancelation openings and non peak season availability at SIGNIFICANT DISCOUNTS. Also contact us regarding group discounts. Contact via the "CONTACT US" section of the web site or contact me at fishhorsesjs@aol.com, or my cell in the USA at 954-609-7355.
Includes everything except hard liquor.
50% due when reservation confirmed and balance due 60 days prior to arrival.
Deposit only refunded with notice 60 days prior to scheduled arrival providing we can rebook those dates.
Travel from Puerto Montt south to the Yelcho area
The air travel between Puerto Montt and Chaiten (the new airport that has replaced the Santa Barbara airport) will be operated by AEROCORD and PEWEN airlines as scheduled flights which fly 6 days a week. Charters to Chaiten are also available as is the ferry service between Puerto Montt and the Port of Chaiten. The Chaiten airport is about 15 miles north of Chaiten and is right on the coast. Contact us for the particulars regarding the planes and the ferry. PLEASE CONTACT US BEFORE YOU FINALIZE YOUR AIR TRAVEL SO WE CAN MAKE SURE THAT EVERYTHING IS COORDINATED SATISFACTORILY FOR YOUR TRIP OF A LIFE TIME.